Sunday, April 12, 2015


Hello class and welcome to week 4's blog posting. We are half way through our 9 week term for this class. For those of you that are taking 6699 this term I hope you did well on your comps exam. This week we are discussing communication in terms of internal, external and government communication. We are also discussing leadership. Lets start with a simple question, what is communication? It is the imparting or exchanging of information or news. In regards to media it is the collective communication outlets used to store and deliver information or data. But how do you use it in terms of internal, external and government communication? That is what I will be discussing mostly for today's blog posting.

Internal Communication

The definition is the function responsible for effective communication among participants within an organization. Having a strong internal communications strategy can ease an escalated situation. Take for instance our discussion point this week. We discussed the poisoning of the Toomer's Corner trees at Auburn University and how both Auburn and the University of Alabama needed strong communication strategies to ease the minds of the faculty, students, fans and alumni that they were doing everything in their power to fix the situation and distance themselves from whoever was the cause of the crisis. I've seen crazy things from fans of sports before bur never have I seen something as insane as poisoning trees because your team lost. Maybe one day people will realize that it's just a game. Try again next year lol. Internal communication can also be used in social media especially for larger organizations. By upholding the momentum of employee relationships, (instant messaging, support forums etc.) ultimately you can remain profitable in the company. Most companies today have a clear social media policy because those employees can use social media to further reach out to companies but also the policy is in place so employees know that they are representing a company and that there are limits to what they can post while they work for the company. For instance, I've heard that Nintendo doesn't allow you to post things to your twitter account that isn't Nintendo related or the WWE superstars being able to only post things mostly that relate to WWE in some way and of course no talking about any issues or problems you may be having as that will get you in deep trouble, Dolph Ziggler being a perfect example as a wrestler that is always on the verge of becoming a main even talent only to be brought back down because of something he said in the media about the company. ( He's a two time world heavy weight champion though the first reign lasted an hour and the second about three weeks)
One of the articles we read this week comes from the Wall Street Journal and it talks about a Korean firm building an internal system for workers to communicate. By tweaking twitter the senior executive was able to send out a tweet to find lunch partners but only the employees of the firm received it. They call it BizTweet. I work for Enterprise Rent-A-Car and have for the past 7 years. I hoping with the strategic communication degree I'll finally be able to move on from the company anyway the reason I bring Enterprise is because we have a social media like site that can only be accessed internally. Its called the hub and you are able to search for a befriend follow employees, like comment, post status updates etc. No one at my branch uses it and most people don't even know about it. I myself only use to access the companies discount page. I doubt it will ever take off as most people are friends with each other on Facebook.

 External Communication

While internal communication deals with communication within an organization, external communication is just the opposite, it deals with communication going outside of the company to the general public. Look at the diagram above. It list both oral and written external forms of communication. Say a company is ready to launch an new product, they would hold presentations and also advertise it through the media, press releases, social media etc. The frequency of external communication is less frequent than internal, its coverage is broader and there is a significant distance between the receivers of the communication. I think during the whole Donald Sterling scandal the NBA handled their external communications very effectively making it clear that they did not tolerate that type of behavior nor were they going to stand by Sterling. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver delivered the swiftest, strongest, and harshest penalties probably in the history of U.S. sports by fining Sterling $2.5 million banning him for life from the NBA and the Clippers organization, and asking the owners to agree to his recommendation that would force Sterling to sell the Clippers which is what ended up happening. I also believe that the swift action was the result of learning from the NFL's blunders regarding the Ray Rice situation and them seemingly trying to cover up the incident.

Government Communication

Government communication deals with all activities of public sector institutions and organizations that are aimed at sharing information for the purpose of presenting and explaining government decisions and actions, defending recognized values and helping to maintain social bonds. (man that was a mouthful lol) Government communication deals with government institutions, public sector organizations presenting a very broad range of forms. We have government wide communication which is tasked with explaining decisions, presenting actions and contributing to debate over government's values and objections. Say the government wants to implement a new policy and the general public doesn't understand why and are confused. The government can then (depending on it being local, state, or federal) hold a town hall meeting, press conference, live stream, newspaper article etc. Every form of media should be used because everybody gets their media in different ways. You know I find myself paying more attention to the government's activities now then  I have in the past. I'm interested in seeing what the government is going to do about the police and their willingness to use excessive force when it isn't necessary and suffering no consequences. Well everyone I thank you for reading my blog this week. You know there is five weeks left in this class so come on down next week for the next blog posting. Until then. 

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